Filtering by: Online Yoga

Conscious Connection Springtime Series 2024 – Blossom into Spring
to Apr 1

Conscious Connection Springtime Series 2024 – Blossom into Spring

Slowly but surely, the days are growing longer again, and more and more sunrays begin to brighten them. And it’s tempting to pack all our winter clothes away and leave the winter behind as quickly as possible. But as with every transition, it’s helpful to take time to reflect and move forward mindfully as you blossom into spring.

After your great feedback on the Conscious Holiday Connection Series over Christmas and the New Year, I wanted to create a similar experience for you as we emerge from our “hibernation” into springtime. The Conscious Connection Springtime Series will take place over the Easter weekend from 27th March – 1st April. The series combines Inside Flow, vinyasa flow, alignment, yin yoga, and meditation, as usual, accompanied by a digital handbook. There will be a live Inside Flow (recording included) to kick off, followed by 5 days of pre-recorded practices each approx. 30 minutes long and designed to help you to blossom into spring in exactly the way you want to.

Dates: 27th March – 1st April 2024

27th March – Inside Flow Kick-off Class live via Zoom at 7 pm CET (recording will be available until 1st April)
28th March- 1st April – Daily Yoga Practice (pre-recorded to stream when you like).

How does it work?
– Sign up via the link below by 4pm on 27th March
– You’ll receive an email with the link to the live Inside Flow class and then each day after with a link to that day’s video.
– Each practice is approx. 30 minutes.
– The whole series will be accompanied by a digital handbook with inspiration & reflection exercises.
– All of the videos will be available until the end of April, so you can also complete the 5 days at your pace.

Price: 70€

What participants said about Conscious Connection Series in the past 🥰

“The 10 days did me the world of good. Most days, it was the only thing that I really did for myself and that was so precious, especially during Christmas itself. And I really enjoyed the selection of different yoga styles. Thank you so much!” – Nicole

“I just want to say THANK YOU! I was so happy to receive your video each day and loved every one… I thought the series was well structured with each practice building on the last and it was so varied too. Thanks to your calm instruction, I was even able to dive into the meditation. And the extras were also a great idea! Overall, you did a great job of making the transition into the new year more mindful and I feel that I can now look to the coming year with confidence and trust.” – Birgit

“Thank you so much for this wonderful series you’ve created! You really helped to maintain my connection to myself during this time, by taking time for myself, reflecting on the past year, and visualising the next. I loved the combination of meditation, alignment, flow, and yin!” – Kathleen

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Wonder Woman Inside Flow Workshop with Ami & Nicki 👯‍♀️ (Online with Replay included!)
2:00 PM14:00

Wonder Woman Inside Flow Workshop with Ami & Nicki 👯‍♀️ (Online with Replay included!)

“Each time a woman stands up for herself, without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women.” ― Maya Angelou

Women possess an inherent power and magic. Throughout history, we’ve shattered barriers, proving our abilities in all areas despite the odds often stacked against us. The power of a woman lies in her resilience, creativity, empathy, and ability to effect positive change. Everyone’s experience of being a woman is still unique, and that is something to be celebrated. By asserting our worth, challenging stereotypes, and fostering community, we create a space to feel into our own experience, raise our unique voices, and support one another.

Join Ami and Nicki for a very special Inside Flow experience, where each will teach an Inside Flow inspired by the experience of being a woman, honouring that uniqueness and empowering you to honour yours, too.

Date: 16 March 2024

Time: 14:00-16:15 (CET)
Location: Live online via Zoom (replay included & available until Monday evening at midnight)
Price: 45€
TRCs: If you are an Inside Flow teacher, you can receive a certificate for 2 TRCs. Please tick the TRC box when booking.

*Diese Veranstaltung wird auf Englisch sein*

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Conscious Connection Weihnachtsserie – dein bewusster Weg ins Jahr 2024
to Jan 1

Conscious Connection Weihnachtsserie – dein bewusster Weg ins Jahr 2024

  • Online – bequem von Zuhause! (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Ich weiß, vielleicht möchte das nicht jeder hören, aber bis Weihnachten bleiben nur noch wenige Tage! Aber keine Sorge, ich bin für dich da. Mit dem

Conscious Connection Weihnachtsserie

kannst du deine Yoga-Praxis über die Weihnachtstage aufrecht erhalten und deine innere Balance bewahren ;) Zehn Tage lang, vom 22. Dezember bis zum 1. Januar, erhältst du täglich eine Yogaeinheit zusammen mit Reflexionsübung und anderen Extras. Jede Einheit dauert zwischen 15 und 45 Minuten, sodass du sie zwischen deine Weihnachtsfeierlichkeiten einbauen kannst. Mit einer Kombination aus Vinyasa-Flow, Inside Yoga Ausrichtung, Yin-Yoga und Meditation kann schon eine kurze Yogaeinheit pro Tag eine große Wirkung haben, wenn du das Jahr 2023 hinter sich lässt und das Jahr 2024 begrüßt.

Termine: 22. Dezember 2023 – 1. Januar 2024

Live-Auftakt: Flow to Yin (75m) am Freitag den 22. Dezember 2023 um 18:00 Uhr MEZ (Live über Zoom mit Replay als Teil der Serie verfügbar)

Wie funktioniert es? 

– Melde dich über den unten stehenden Link bis zum 22. Dezember um 12:00 Uhr an.

– Du erhältst ein Handbuch und Zugang zur Conscious Connection Vimeo-Seite.

– Es kommt jeden Tag eine E-Mail mit einem Link zum Video des Tages. 

– Jede Einheit geht zwischen 15 und 45 Minuten.

– Die gesamte Serie wird von einem digitalen Handbuch mit Inspirations- und Reflexionsübungen begleitet.

– Alle Videos sind bis Ende Januar verfügbar, sodass du die Serie auch zum Beginn des neuen Jahres machen kannst, wenn du es über die Feiertage nicht schaffst.

Preis: 99 €

Das haben TeilnehmerInnen letztes Jahr gesagt ...

„Die 10 Tage haben mir sehr gut getan. An den meisten Tagen war es das Einzige, was ich wirklich für mich tat, und das war so wertvoll, besonders zu Weihnachten selbst. Und die Auswahl an verschiedenen Yoga-Stilen hat mir sehr gut gefallen. Vielen Dank!" – Nicole

„Ich möchte einfach nur DANKE sagen! Ich habe mich jeden Tag so sehr über das Video gefreut und war von jedem einzelnen begeistert. Ich fand die Serie gut strukturiert, wobei jede Übung auf der letzten aufbaute, und sie war auch sehr abwechslungsreich. Dank deiner ruhigen Anleitung konnte ich sogar in die Meditation eintauchen. Und auch die Extras waren eine tolle Idee! Insgesamt ist es mir gelungen, den Übergang ins neue Jahr achtsamer zu gestalten und ich habe das Gefühl, dass ich nun mit Zuversicht und Zuversicht auf das kommende Jahr blicken kann.“ – Birgit 

„Vielen Dank für diese wunderbare Serie, die du kreiert hast! Du hast mir in dieser Zeit wirklich geholfen, den Kontakt zu mir selbst aufrechtzuerhalten, indem ich Zeit für mich selbst genommen, über das vergangene Jahr nachgedacht und mir das nächste Jahr vorgestellt habe. Ich fand die Kombination aus Meditation, Ausrichtung, Flow und Yin ganz toll!“ – Kathleen

Anmeldung hier!

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Conscious Connection Springtime Series – Blossom into Spring
to Apr 10

Conscious Connection Springtime Series – Blossom into Spring

*Diese Serie wird auf Englisch unterrichtet*

Slowly but surely, the days are growing longer again, and more and more sunrays begin to brighten them. And it’s tempting to pack all our winter clothes away and leave the winter behind as quickly as possible. But as with every transition, it’s helpful to take time to reflect and move forward mindfully as you blossom into spring.

After your great feedback on the Conscious Holiday Connection Series over Christmas and the New Year, I wanted to create a similar experience for you as we emerge from our “hibernation” into springtime. The Conscious Connection Springtime Series will take place over the Easter weekend from 5-10 April. The series combines Inside Flow, vinyasa flow, alignment, yin yoga, and meditation, as usual, accompanied by a digital handbook. There will be a live Inside Flow (recording included) to kick off, followed by 5 days of pre-recorded practices each approx. 30 minutes long and designed to help you to blossom into spring in exactly the way you want to.

Dates: 5th – 10th April 2023

5th April – Inside Flow Kick-off Class live via Zoom at 7pm CET (recording will be added to the series after class)
6th-10th April – Daily Practice (on-demand to stream when you like).

How does it work?
– Sign up via the link below by 4pm on 5th April
– You’ll receive an email with the link to the live Inside Flow class and then each day after with a link to that day’s video.
– Each practice is approx. 30 minutes.
– The whole series will be accompanied by a digital handbook with inspiration & reflection exercises.
– All of the videos will be available until the end of April, so you can also complete the 5 days at your pace.

Price: 50€ Early bird until 23.03.2023 (Code: EARLYB) / 65€ Regular

What participants said about Conscious Connection Series in the past 🥰
“The 10 days did me the world of good. Most days, it was the only thing that I really did for myself and that was so precious, especially during Christmas itself. And I really enjoyed the selection of different yoga styles. Thank you so much!” – Nicole

“I just want to say THANK YOU! I was so happy to receive your video each day and loved every one… I thought the series was well structured with each practice building on the last and it was so varied too. Thanks to your calm instruction, I was even able to dive into the meditation. And the extras were also a great idea! Overall, you did a great job of making the transition into the new year more mindful and I feel that I can now look to the coming year with confidence and trust.” – Birgit

“Thank you so much for this wonderful series you’ve created! You really helped to maintain my connection to myself during this time, by taking time for myself, reflecting on the past year, and visualising the next. I loved the combination of meditation, alignment, flow, and yin!” – Kathleen

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Vinyasa Alignment & Inside Flow Online Workshop – Live via Zoom
11:00 AM11:00

Vinyasa Alignment & Inside Flow Online Workshop – Live via Zoom

*Dieser Workshop wird auf Englisch unterrichtet*

Do you want to become more confident in key transitions and asanas we use in vinyasa flow and Inside Flow? Do you want to create a healthy and sustainable flow practice that you can do for years to come? Or have you wanted to start flow yoga classes but want to make sure you have a secure foundation first?

In this online yoga workshop, we will take a closer look at key asanas and transitions from vinyasa & Inside Flow, before we bring them together in an Inside Flow specially made for this workshop. You will learn more about vinyasa alignment as well as learning exercises and techniques to build up the strength or flexibility to flow confidently in your practice.

Inside Flow is an evolution of vinyasa yoga that uses music to take the yoga practice deeper. In her Inside Flow workshops, Ami combines her years of dance experience with her passion for yoga to guide you through creative, flowing sequences to a playlist of modern music. Your body, your breath, and your movements become intertwined with no beginning and no end. By building up a sequence of yoga asanas bit by bit, you will dive into a state of flow – directing your gaze from the outside inward and deepening the connection to yourself. Together, we will laugh, sweat, and feel all the feels – Inside Flow is challenging, but all the more rewarding for it.

Date: Sunday 26th March, 2023

Time: 10am (UK) / 11am (CET) / 4pm (UTC+7) / 6pm (UTC+9)

Duration: 3 hours (for Inside Flow teachers 3 TRCs)

Where?: Live via Zoom (recording add-on available – stream until midnight the next day)

Price: 50€ (recording +3,50€)

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Conscious Holiday Connection Online Yoga Series – A Conscious Journey into 2023
to Jan 2

Conscious Holiday Connection Online Yoga Series – A Conscious Journey into 2023

  • Online from your own home (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This event will be held in English.

I know not everyone might want to hear this, but there are only a few sleeps until Christmas! But don't worry, I've got you covered. With the

Conscious Holiday Connection Series

, you’ll be able to keep up your practice and keep your cool throughout the holidays ;)

For 10 days from 24th December to 2nd January, you’ll receive a daily practice together with journal prompts and other extras. Each practice is between 15 and 45 minutes, so you can fit them in between any holiday obligations. With a combination of vinyasa flow, alignment, yin yoga, and meditation, just a small amount of time each day can have a big impact as you leave 2022 behind and welcome 2023.

Dates: 24th December 2022 – 2nd January 2023
Live kick-off: 24th December 2022 at 9 am CET (replay available)

How does it work?

– Sign up via the link below by 8am on 24th December ;)
– You’ll receive an email each day with a link to that day’s video.
– Each practice is between 15-45 minutes.
– The whole series will be accompanied by a digital handbook with inspiration & reflection exercises.
– All of the videos will be available until the end of January so you can also complete the 10 days at the start of the new year if you don’t manage it over the holidays.

Price: 99€

Here’s what you said last year…

“The 10 days did me the world of good. Most days, it was the only thing that I really did for myself and that was so precious, especially during Christmas itself. And I really enjoyed the selection of different yoga styles. Thank you so much!” – Nicole

“I just want to say THANK YOU! I was so happy to receive your video each day and loved every one… I thought the series was well structured with each practice building on the last and it was so varied too. Thanks to your calm instruction, I was even able to dive into the meditation. And the extras were also a great idea! Overall, you did a great job of making the transition into the new year more mindful and I feel that I can now look to the coming year with confidence and trust.” – Birgit

“Thank you so much for this wonderful series you’ve created! You really helped to maintain my connection to myself during this time, by taking time for myself, reflecting on the past year, and visualising the next. I loved the combination of meditation, alignment, flow, and yin!” – Kathleen

Tip: If you want to buy this as a gift for someone who could use some time for themselves, use this link.

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