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Vinyasa Alignment & Inside Flow Online Workshop – Live via Zoom

*Dieser Workshop wird auf Englisch unterrichtet*

Do you want to become more confident in key transitions and asanas we use in vinyasa flow and Inside Flow? Do you want to create a healthy and sustainable flow practice that you can do for years to come? Or have you wanted to start flow yoga classes but want to make sure you have a secure foundation first?

In this online yoga workshop, we will take a closer look at key asanas and transitions from vinyasa & Inside Flow, before we bring them together in an Inside Flow specially made for this workshop. You will learn more about vinyasa alignment as well as learning exercises and techniques to build up the strength or flexibility to flow confidently in your practice.

Inside Flow is an evolution of vinyasa yoga that uses music to take the yoga practice deeper. In her Inside Flow workshops, Ami combines her years of dance experience with her passion for yoga to guide you through creative, flowing sequences to a playlist of modern music. Your body, your breath, and your movements become intertwined with no beginning and no end. By building up a sequence of yoga asanas bit by bit, you will dive into a state of flow – directing your gaze from the outside inward and deepening the connection to yourself. Together, we will laugh, sweat, and feel all the feels – Inside Flow is challenging, but all the more rewarding for it.

Date: Sunday 26th March, 2023

Time: 10am (UK) / 11am (CET) / 4pm (UTC+7) / 6pm (UTC+9)

Duration: 3 hours (for Inside Flow teachers 3 TRCs)

Where?: Live via Zoom (recording add-on available – stream until midnight the next day)

Price: 50€ (recording +3,50€)