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Conscious Connection Springtime Series 2024 – Blossom into Spring

Slowly but surely, the days are growing longer again, and more and more sunrays begin to brighten them. And it’s tempting to pack all our winter clothes away and leave the winter behind as quickly as possible. But as with every transition, it’s helpful to take time to reflect and move forward mindfully as you blossom into spring.

After your great feedback on the Conscious Holiday Connection Series over Christmas and the New Year, I wanted to create a similar experience for you as we emerge from our “hibernation” into springtime. The Conscious Connection Springtime Series will take place over the Easter weekend from 27th March – 1st April. The series combines Inside Flow, vinyasa flow, alignment, yin yoga, and meditation, as usual, accompanied by a digital handbook. There will be a live Inside Flow (recording included) to kick off, followed by 5 days of pre-recorded practices each approx. 30 minutes long and designed to help you to blossom into spring in exactly the way you want to.

Dates: 27th March – 1st April 2024

27th March – Inside Flow Kick-off Class live via Zoom at 7 pm CET (recording will be available until 1st April)
28th March- 1st April – Daily Yoga Practice (pre-recorded to stream when you like).

How does it work?
– Sign up via the link below by 4pm on 27th March
– You’ll receive an email with the link to the live Inside Flow class and then each day after with a link to that day’s video.
– Each practice is approx. 30 minutes.
– The whole series will be accompanied by a digital handbook with inspiration & reflection exercises.
– All of the videos will be available until the end of April, so you can also complete the 5 days at your pace.

Price: 70€

What participants said about Conscious Connection Series in the past 🥰

“The 10 days did me the world of good. Most days, it was the only thing that I really did for myself and that was so precious, especially during Christmas itself. And I really enjoyed the selection of different yoga styles. Thank you so much!” – Nicole

“I just want to say THANK YOU! I was so happy to receive your video each day and loved every one… I thought the series was well structured with each practice building on the last and it was so varied too. Thanks to your calm instruction, I was even able to dive into the meditation. And the extras were also a great idea! Overall, you did a great job of making the transition into the new year more mindful and I feel that I can now look to the coming year with confidence and trust.” – Birgit

“Thank you so much for this wonderful series you’ve created! You really helped to maintain my connection to myself during this time, by taking time for myself, reflecting on the past year, and visualising the next. I loved the combination of meditation, alignment, flow, and yin!” – Kathleen